Forelimb Flexion Tests – The Podcast


A few weeks back, I posted an article about forelimb flexion tests.  That article generated a lot of comments and discussion – which is one of the things that I like most about hosting this blog.  The artlcle came to the attention of Amy Stevenson, Co-Founder of HorseHour Group Ltd., who produces the “Number One Equestrian Podcast in the UK,” who reached out for an interview.

In a wide-ranging and entertaining chat, Amy and Dr. Ramey talk about the reasons for the study and its findings, and what horse owners can take away from research into forelimb flexion tests.  Plus, there’s advice for horse owners who are looking at purchasing a horse, observations about equine diseases in the USA, and why and how they can differ from those seen in the UK, as well as in different areas of the US.

No matter where we live, we all suffer from the same equine condition…. horse worry!

Check out HorseHour at  There’s lots of informative and entertaining content, not only for folks in the UK, but everywhere in the horse world.  You’ll be glad you did!

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