There are many good on-line resources to help people learn the facts about “alternative” medicine, but they can be hard to find, buried in all of the misinformation that’s out on the world-wide web.
I recommend taking a look at the following links to help increase your understanding of what “alternative” medicine is (and is not). There’s no reason for you to pursue expensive and ineffective therapies for your horse.
UK Skeptics. A site advocating skepticism as a defense against being defrauded or scammed. CLICK HERE
Quackwatch. A site, maintained by a retired physician, dedicated to providing information about many “alternative” practices. CLICK HERE
SkeptVet. A blog maintained by a small animal veterinarian, who critically examines many of the claims made for “alternative” medicine. CLICK HERE
In a world of propaganda and misinformation, there are a few terrific books out there that help unveil the truth about “alternative” medicine (not including mine). If you’re interested, take a look at:

From Publisher’s Weekly: “Noted science writer Singh and British professor of complementary medicine Ernst offer a reasoned examination of the research on acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbal medicine and other alternative treatments. Singh (
Fermat’s Last Theorem) and Ernst work hard to be objective, but their conclusion is that these therapies are largely worthless.”

From Publisher’s Weekly: “A biostatistician, author and Senior Research Methodologist at the University of Maryland, Bausell looks at the alternative methods used by more than 36 percent of Americans to treat pain and illness by posing the question, “Is any complementary and alternative medical therapy more effective than a placebo?” In short, his answer is no…”

From Publisher’s Weekly: “John Brinkley, who grew up poor in rural North Carolina but attended Rush Medical College in Chicago, got his start touring as a medicine man hawking miracle tonics and became famous for transplanting goat testicles into impotent men. Brinkley built his own radio station in 1923, hustling his pseudoscience over the airwaves and giving an outlet to astrologers and country music. His nemesis was Dr. Morris Fishbein, the buoyant, compulsively curious editor of the
Journal of the American Medical Association…” CLICK HERE TO ORDER an absolutely fascinating bit of American history, as well as a great lesson in how charlatans can succeed, even when performing the most outrageous procedures.
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