A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse

D.W. Ramey, DVM. Howell Bookhouse, New York, NY, 1997. Re-issued and updated as Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse, Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret, VT, 2002. Simultaneously published as Navicular Syndrome Explained, Kenilworth Press, Buckingham, UK, 2000

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For a long time, navicular syndrome was one of the most overdiagnosed conditions of the horse.  Of course, it does occur, but newer technologies have helped veterinarians understand that what was once a simple diagnosis is actually one that can involve any number of structures, and that the prognosis for a full recovery is sometimes good.  It’s not a diagnosis that should be made lightly – if you read this book, you won’t make that mistake!

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