A Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

A Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse

I wrote this book along with a PhD nutritionist because, honestly, feeding horses isn’t nearly as hard as people make it out to be.  We tried to simplify feeding, making it easier for horse owners to feed what their horses need, without making themselves crazy (and broke).  Although the book was published some time ago, the basics of feeding horses really hasn’t changed much in, say, several thousand years, so it’s full of good information!

D.W. Ramey, DVM and S.E. Duren, PhD. Howell Bookhouse, New York, NY. 1998.
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