A Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse

I wrote this book by request, because there really wasn’t anything out there about diseases of the horse’s respiratory system that made any sense to horse owners.  I was very lucky to get help from a lot of experts; I think that the book is very accessible, and provides a lot of good information about diseases that cause horses all sorts of problems.  They even translated it into Russian!

D.W. Ramey, DVM. Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret, VT. 2003. Simultaneously published by Kenilworth Press, Buckingham, UK, 2002.
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