USEF Bans “Carolina Gold” as a Foreign Substance – 2/28/12

TranquilizerEffective immediately, “Carolina Gold” or any other product containing GABA is considered a forbidden substance under USEF rules. Further, because there are no recognized medical uses for this substance, the use of a Medication Report Form to report its administration is not applicable.

CLICK HERE to see the report in USEF News.

DR. RAMEY NOTES:  GABA stands for gama aminobutyric acid.  From a pharmacology standpoint, it’s an inhibitory neurotransmitter.  You can read all about the drug if you CLICK HERE.

You just wonder why it’s so important for people to drug their horses.  I wrote about the problem in my article, “In the Name of Performance.”  CLICK HERE to read it.  Sadly, some people just don’t care about things like, ethics, integrity, fair play, and the welfare of their horses.

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